Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Lesser-Known Clause of the American Constitution

Listen carefully, people, because I'm only going to say this once. I am about to let you people in on a secret that only our founding fathers knew when they wrote our Constitution. Are... are you ready? O-okay. Here goes.

The president is elected to a four-year term.

Whoa-- unbelievable! Four whole years? Incredible!

So the fact that Obama's been in office for only thirteen months does... not mean he's not going to do what he said he would?

I know this sounds like leftist propaganda, but believe me, it's there in the Constitution-- all you gotta do is read it.

That is, assuming all of you can read. Considering the American education system and No Child Left Behind, I shouldn't assume that. I could be wrong.

So, people-- what were you really upset about? Hmm? That Obama hasn't completed his whole presidential agenda in less than half the time he has in office? Or that that leads you to believe he won't get to everything?

True, it would be pretty miraculous if a president actually managed to fulfill their whole agenda, but you people are carrying on like Obama's just given up! And yes, this post has just transitioned from blatant sarcasm to full-on anger. Give the man some time before you consider him a do-nothing! He's already begun taking action on several points of his campaign promises. The only reason it's taking so long is because the Republican party (and even the disappointed Democrats) are trying to ensure he fails, setting the stage for Sarah Palin to be elected in '12. If that happens, every theory that the world ends in 2012 will be confirmed. But for the time being, let's give the guy with one of the world's most challenging jobs a tiny fraction of understanding as he copes with naysayers and our sluggish political system.

Also, watch White Collar on Tuesday nights. It's awesome.

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