Sunday, August 29, 2010

I Will Say This... And No More

I do not like Glenn Beck. Ideological differences aside (and they are huge), I still can find nothing about him worth respecting. I do not like his smug, superior voice, which puts unnecessary emphasis on every single word. I do not like his conceited smile. I do not like people who fill other people's heads with fear in an effort to control them and obtain their support.

He insists "progressivism" is a disease. Well, Beck Man, I got news for you. Progressivism is how women in this country got the vote and how people of all colors can vote without having to submit to a "literacy test." Progressives control the flow of American destiny. When we really do have justice for everyone (cough cough gay marriage cough) we can finally say that progress has worked. What's so wrong about every law-abiding American having the same rights? According to Beck, it's cancerous to believe such a thing.

So I'd like to maintain a safe distance from Beck and all his venomous, hateful rhetoric that disguises prejudice and arrogance as the will of God. Let me ask you a question. Doesn't God have compassion for all people? God doesn't hate. God doesn't hold grudges, or care about opinion polls. God knows whether President Obama is a Muslim or a Christian (not that it really matters), and whether he was really born in the United States (and haven't we moved past that by now?!).

So enough already! If you've got nothing but violent hate and festering anecdotes, don't pass it off as fact. Glenn Beck doesn't need to reclaim America's honor-- he needs to claim some common sense!

An Important Aside to Xander Candor Readers and Perusers: Please don't forget to vote in Xander Candor's poll every month. The current poll (which you should be able to find at the top left of the blog) runs all through September. I look forward to your answers!


Eviville said...

We have never had similar political idealogies but I have to say, this is a major disagreement we have.
Watching a full episode of Glenn Beck is EXTREMELY different from watching a CNN report on him. I won't say much more because it's a tangled and complicated debate, but I suggest maybe watching an episode or two? Maybe you have? (Also, his ideas of progressive are not that of obtaining rights, but they are against a progressive action that expands government power.)
I miss you Xander.

Eviville said...
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The Seavy Clan said...

And I will say this, and no more. While yes, God does love everybody, and we are all His children; he also chastens us. He chastens us when we do wrong just as a loving parent corrects and disciplines his children. Surely, though you are not a parent yet, you can agree with that.