Sunday, August 15, 2010


In perusing the comments you readers leave on my blog, I occasionally discover questions you ask me that I, initially, wasn't too sure how to answer. Should I leave a comment on the post in reply? No-- good chance you wouldn't see it. Should I go to your own individual blog and leave a message in the interest of "reciprocity"? No-- not as easy to refer back to prior comments.

Finally, I settled on a method. I realized I've been fortunate enough to have people who actually read my random (and very leftist) ramblings from time to time. So I want to thank anyone who reads Xander Candor-- remember, without my readers, I'm just a crazy guy with a keypad and access to the internet. So thank you! And from time to time, I shall produce an "FAQ" post to not only answer questions, but also address some of the more interesting non-interrogative points.

Following my first "Worst Movies of All Time" list, I was asked how I first saw Twilight by a reader (you know who you are-- hi!) who, apparently, was a big fan of the books and refused to watch the movies. The A to that Q: I was being visited by a certain sister who decided to watch it. She had a certain infant son at the time, and without the crib, when his naptime rolled around, he had to be held by someone. That someone was his uncle. So for two hours, the nephew was asleep and I was stuck while that certain sister watched for the very first time Twilight. People holding sleeping babies, understandably, have very little mobility.

As for one of the other comments on that post... well, I simply think Stephenie Meyer needs to go away. I would prefer a secluded island somewhere where the world will never know what she's up to, except perhaps close friends and family members. But any words from this day on that leave her pen (or word processing software, as you will) will immediately be blasted by yours truly as more civilization-killing blandness.

And someone (or someones) keep leaving random snippets of profound statements on the comment posts. I have no idea who you are, but it's always very interesting to read. Thank you.

By the way, if you're not watching Futurama, you should be. It will remind you that there are gifted people working in TV and cinema these days... they're just getting quieter and less numerous.

Thank you for your attention.

1 comment:

The Seavy Clan said...

just now seeing this. must say, that story is understandable... and not nearly as interesting as I had imagined. i.e. you being dragged by some friend-girl to the theater and being held there against your will while she clings to your arm during the exciting/scary parts. =p