Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Miss Me Yet?

To answer that elusive question, GW Bush, no, I don't miss you yet.

I don't miss the preposterous claims like, "God wanted me to be President." I don't miss the way you turned "Weapons of Mass Destruction" into a catchphrase to further your apocalyptically stupid agenda. I don't miss the way you have no concern for anyone but the white, straight, Christian elite. I can't miss Cheney because (tragically) he hasn't gone anywhere. I don't miss your dingleberry turn-of-phrase (it's nu-cle-ar, not nucular! You speak English, right?!) I don't miss your little photo-ops like throwing out pitches at ball games. I don't miss the way you allowed your staff to bungle through Katrina when people were dying and they needed all those leadership qualities your blind admirers have claimed you've got in the bag.

I don't miss eight years of feeling like I wouldn't be an American if I ate French fries or questioned the merits of "The Star-Spangled Banner" being our national anthem. I don't miss watching you lead the media on by distracting them with the arrest of Saddam Hussein, as if the capture of one Islamic fascist makes up for the freedom of the one who actually did something to us. I don't miss the way your people weaseled out of accountability for anything. You left office with your approval rating somewhere in the low-to-mid 20s. If we lived in a good society, it would have been in the negatives.

You, Mr. Bush, are a liar, a narcissist, a thundering idiot, and a socially blind, rancid, smug, arrogant, condescending, elitist, lazy, holier-than-thou riflehead and not 100 years of the opposite could make up for eight years of you.

No. I don't miss you. And I never will. The current administration has its problems (I cannot emphasize that strongly enough). But there will always be a standard of crappiness in the Oval Office, from January 19, 2009 on. That standard, before then, was Nixon. Now it's you. Happy?

This message brought to you by the Proud Liberal Supporters of the Real America

1 comment:

Eviville said...

I like this as much as I like you. (Almost)