Saturday, October 24, 2009

71 DP's Led the Big Parade....

We in Washington state need to APPROVE REF. 71.

In recent weeks, I've voted for the first time. It's an awesome feeling, really. But this is also the window of time in which I have heard some of the most blatantly stupid campaigning of all time, done by opponents of Washington state's domestic partnership law, most recently the bill made notorious by the addition of the moniker "Everything But Marriage."

One of these blunders is a radio ad telling people to reject the bill by voting "Reject" on R-71 on the ballot. The ad features two women chatting. One tells the other that the bill should be rejected because it's not the right time. People, she contends, are losing their jobs and homes, and that's really what lawmakers need to be focusing on. She insists that anyone for this is basically encouraging our legislature to be out of touch with the public.

How ignorant can you get?!

People are losing their jobs and homes right now, and that is one of the chief reasons why this bill must be passed! These are horrendously uncertain times (ah, yes, that old cliche), and people need a little certainty. We're not talking about people who are out to destroy everything traditional in this country. We're not talking about people who don't have feelings, for crying out loud.

And we're not talking about people asking to get married! This bill is not about gay marriage, and it would be criminal if the measure was defeated solely because that's what people fear. Key word: fear.

The measure isn't even about gay people, specifically. Domestic partnerships also apply to couples with one person over a certain age (I think it's 62) who can't get married because they'll lose job or health benefits.

Let's take a look at what we're examining here.

If marriage really is a religious institution, then it has no business being a federal institution. We in America have a right to worship God as we please-- but God/Allah/Buddha/Jehovah/whoever don't belong in our capitol buildings and our courthouses. This is not a theocracy. This is a Republican democracy based simply on governmental principles that have absolutely nothing to do with religion. Ergo, religion must be kept separate from the powers of the state.

I know for a fact that marriage is not a religious institution, however. I know this because heterosexual "civil ceremonies" are legally recognized as marriages.

Marriage is not a legal contract to produce children. If it were, sterile couples would not be allowed to get married. Nor would elderly couples or couples who make it clear they never want children-- these are not the case.

For those reasons, I believe gay marriage should be legalized in every state in this great-although-massively-wrong-in-the-head nation.

But for the zillionth time, the word "marriage" is never once mentioned in this bill. Domestic partnerships merely allow people who want to spend their lives together to do so with some semblance of that traditional bond.

As for the people who fear that even domestic partnerships will ruin the meaning of their marriage, I have a simple question for you: have you (or anyone you know) ever been married in Vegas?

I don't even consider the fact that one of the law's chief opponents is a known wifebeater and divorcee. Some marriages don't work out.

But it seems to be fairly common knowledge that relationships aren't perfect. The reason for these partnerships is security and love. From what I've witnessed, gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender people deserve the one and are more than capable of the other.

Don't hold centuries-old, wrongly-translated religious dogma against them.

Vote "Approve" on Referendum 71.

This message was paid for by that little nerve in my head that goes off every time stupid people in authority decide to wave that abused authority in the face of anyone who's different.

Because Hitler died 64 years ago.

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