Saturday, January 24, 2009

It's Finally Happened, and We Know It's Happened

2008's list of overused words included "maverick," "change," and (though it's more than one word) "Joe Six Pack." Already, I can tell which terms have been beaten to death in 2009.

"Once in a lifetime." "Historic." "Momentous." "Hope." Et cetera, et cetera... you know where I'm going with this one, don't you? As an Obama supporter throughout much if not all of the campaign, I was delighted, thrilled, and floored to say the least when I watched the inauguration on Tuesday. Barack Obama: America's first black president! Oops... there's another overused phrase.

However, just because I'm pleased and in awe of this historic moment, that doesn't mean nothing else is happening in the world. There are still people in this country who keep talking about, "Oh, can you believe Obama made it?" instead of, "Oh, I wonder what he's going to do?"

President Obama has already made some tremendous decisions... and people are still talking about the hat under which Aretha Franklin belted out a patriotic tune this January 20th. Still tying it in with the fact that it was a day after MLK day. Who is focusing on what needs to be done right now?

Plenty of people will deny it, but Bush left a disastrous legacy, from which you could almost hear sinister laughter as his helicopter made a dramatic escape to his ancestral home, Texas. The "war" (read: ongoing lethal blunder) in the Middle East looks destined to become even more unpopular than the Vietnam War unless handled with delicate precision and expert statecraft. Our economy is... well, every adjective to describe that dead cow has received a worse beating than Apollo Creed did in Rocky IV. Which reminds me-- Russia seems to be reverting to their Cold War-era opinion of us, if they ever "verted" in the first place. All around the country, lines of division are being drawn between the political right and left. Enough already!

And how does America respond to this growing list of drastic crises?

By writing 5 million identical editorials congratulating Mr. Obama for the historic oath he took.

Yes, history in the making must be acknowledged and gawked at while it is passing. However, in this case, history has already passed us. In the history textbooks of the future, otherwise, the days after January 20th, 2009, will read as follows: "Nothing interesting really happened because people couldn't learn to look into the future."

Focus, America. Focus.

1 comment:

Eviville said...

Precisely!!! Nobody sees that he's FINALLY brought to light the fact that China has been shifting the value of their currency so it's of the best benefit to them and the worst to us, AND that he's already made the steps to have Guantanamo Bay shut down by this time next year...
AND that he has banned all interrogations forms that aren't listed in the Navy Manual.
Human rights are gaining a say, and we're still celebrating history.