Saturday, January 24, 2009

How to Leave Children Behind: The Christine Gregoire Story

I'd enjoy taking a moment to reflect on the very bizarre year American education has been experiencing.

All around the country, education funding is being cut, which is inexcusable. Let me explain the state of Washington's current situation in that department. Our governor, Christine Gregoire, who once had my support, just lost it. On the bright side, she acknowledged that our state is going through a tough economic time, which was fantastic! How did she respond? Massive, painful budget cuts. Well, that works. Wait a minute-- what did she cut?

Ah, now we get to it!

A few items on her ax list: drug/alcohol rehabilitation facilities (Goody! Problem drinkers with no place to go for help!), homeless shelters (Yahoo, yippety! Thousands more people to leave out in the cold, our worst weather in quite some time!), and... education!

The changes won't really be evident this year, but tomorrow's students and teachers are facing some pretty bleak issues on the horizon. When the cuts are finally felt, one of the first institutions to go will probably be the arts. Athletics would seem a likely candidate, until you realize that it is too readily associated with the American dream to ever be in any real danger. Fine arts, on the other hand? Gracie is in her nightgown ready to say good night.

But what is even more baffling is the amount of praise Gregoire has received for her "smart," "gutsy," "chutzpah-heavy" financial plan. Did any of these alleged critics really understand what was going on? Or were they bought off by invitations, perhaps, to the governor's overly elaborate inaugural ball?

During the election, Gregoire was the lesser of two evils. Her first four years proved her ability to be both an excellent and appallingly bad governor. But now, even Sarah Palin is more gubernatorially qualified.

As for Gregoire, she's proven herself a true goober... but gubernatorial? That is, at this time, anyone's bet.

Too bad the future leaders of America will be too uneducated and uncultured to fix her mistakes.

1 comment:

Eviville said...

Dude, I know. We're all distracted by the new Sounders team.