Saturday, October 25, 2008

I Got the Election Blues

It really steams my clams that I won't be old enough to vote in the '08 election. I'm sure it will go down in history as not only one of the closest, but simply one of the most important.

Here's my observation. I refuse to submit to a political party preference. I just don't believe in them. Like organized religion (which is also not for me), it seems very counterproductive and rather non-helpful, considering there is so much difference between each individual person in the world. What separates the most liberal Republican in the USA from the most conservative Democrat therein?

I think I've found the answer. Would we all agree that a liberal Republican is still somewhat conservative, and a conservative Democrat still somewhat liberal?

Of course not. The "political continuum" now has so many different regions, it's possible for there to be a pro-choice Catholic for the acceptance of gay marriage. Personally, I'm a mostly pro-life (I hate those absolute terms to describe abortion, but for lack of better ones, they'll do for now) nondenominational Pagan for the acceptance of gay marriage. That doesn't exactly find me a nice, cozy home in the black-and-white world of Democrat-liberal/Republican-conservative America.

But it'll be a long while before I trust the GOP again.

After eight disastrous years with whacko zealot Dubya in the Oval Office, and with memories of two scathingly, monstrously negative gubernatorial campaigns by Republican Dino Rossi freshly squeezed into my brain like the bitterest orange juice in the world, how can I? What's really changed? Okay, the party of "good ol' boys" now includes one with expensive clothes and no "Y" chromosome. Okay, the Dems have spread malicious lies, too. But from what I can tell, almost all of those have been predominantly retaliatory.

As a "nondenominational Pagan," one of my core religious beliefs is that nature will, without human assistance, offer consequences for any action. Heinous crimes bring about dire results for the perpetrator in one life or another, and good deeds will be rewarded-- again, in one life or another. Retaliation goes against this basic principle. So you'd think that would turn me off the left wing, right?


From what I can tell, every evil consequence brought on by our country's disastrous "leadership" the last two terms has been directed at the perpetrators, but have actually more significantly affected those who said, "I told you so." All around the world, people are crying foul on the United States; Old Glory is starting to look more and more like Old Disgrace. "President" Bush has done everything in his power to justify every decision he has made. That wouldn't be such a horrifically misguided move, if only the decisions he made had some kind of moral value to them. But no. Where in the Universal Moral Code does it state that it's okay to set out to find a notorious, heinous, vicious criminal... then let him go, to pursue someone who had absolutely nothing to do with the criminal act that got the USA howling for vengeance?!

Dino Rossi, Washington State's current GOP candidate for governor, is spreading by far the most disgusting slander in my knowledge about Democratic incumbent Christine Gregoire. Four years ago, they came head-to-head in the closest election in WA state history, and now Rossi's come back to see if he can win this time, with a more vicious attack plan and a campaign platform less solid than water on Mercury.

Furthermore, when you hear things about the Republican candidate for vice-president abusing power, that doesn't exactly inspire trust. Bush Sr. was at least a passable president. So I know that good leadership from the right is possible. But America needs time to heal-- and neither the nation nor my state can do it under "grand ol'" faux leadership.

Therefore, I implore all registered voters to make the intelligent choices. Bandage America with Barack Obama, and let our state be an example under the proven, tested-true leadership of Chris Gregoire.

The election is just ten days away.

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