Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's the Big Piece of Garbage All Over Again

Sometimes I think Futurama can't come back to television quickly enough.

Oh, not because I miss it on a purely entertainment level (although I really do!) but because its bold social commentary is needed now more than ever. And, let's face it, no one pays any attention to a dead TV show. Unless your name is William Shatner.

I was astounded but none too surprised to learn of the great gushing oil slick blighting the Gulf Coast. But what's even more astounding is that the thinkers have created quite a few proposals for stopping it, but when it comes to implementing them, they are waiting for.... For what? Embossed invitations? Stone tablets? A creepy drunken robot speaking from the future through a rip in the space-time continuum?

While I agree that taking an action without regard for its consequences is reeeeeeally pretty stupid, I happen to know for a fact that the consequences of this spill are having a cataclysmic impact on a very fragile ecosystem. We all know that news is slow to come, so perhaps even as I write this a plan has been put into action. But considering the age and unfathomable (believe me, no pun intended) size of this disaster, I'd say it's long overdue. Get it through your heads, people. Things happen very fast. If said things are bad-- or, dare I say, calamitous-- amplify that speed estimate by a factor of about fifty. Amplify, and then fix! When the smoke (or, in this case, oil) has cleared, then take the blame for your mistakes. But prepare for that, too. No one is right about everything 100% of the time, and what makes a person intelligent, to some extent, is the willingness to bear responsibility.

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