Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The World Goes to the H-Word....

I think leading evangelists get up in the morning and plan ways to ruin the world through talk.

Remarks made last week by notorious hyper-conservative wack job Pat Robertson saying that Haitians made a "deal with the devil" a couple centuries ago to gain their freedom and therefore deserve the disaster, misery, and death toll of the recent earthquake remain in the air. The same vestiges of Christian supremacy that would like to see all gays hanging on gallows now say, quite emphatically and clearly, that God is punishing Haiti for the alleged "mistakes" of its long-dead ancestors.

I cannot believe in any kind of God like that-- misery and mass destruction for something the victims had no control over.

Nor do I believe that the scumbag who advances this idiotic, crushing "theory" has any right to continue polluting the world's already-noxious air with his verbal garbage. I think a punishment is in order-- a mandatory gag for the rest of his life, with intravenous feeding. Thousands upon thousands of people are dead, millions upon millions are otherwise affected, and the final numbers will climb higher and higher and higher in the foreseeable future. And it's not because God wants revenge. It's because the Earth is a kind of living entity, and Haiti is on top of two opposing faults. It takes a really sick individual (whom I can't even consider a human being) to claim that as a miracle or divine justice.

Then there's the other theory-- the earthquake, like all other disasters in recent memory, is the work of the Antichrist, who, as we all know, is Barack Obama, right?

Or maybe it's God punishing the world for our tolerance of homosexuality... isn't that what caused Hurricane Katrina?

If you're not going to help the situation (as in monetary contribution or the infinitely more valuable "personal approach") or at the very least offer condolences, keep your big flippin' mouth shut before you destroy even more lives than have already been destroyed.

I have no more words for this. But I hope the nation continues to rebuild. Every day the bad news keeps coming, but relief is on the ground, more is on the way, and the progress continues. I truly, truly hope it isn't ruined by a few psychos who think it's fun or non-harmful to blame the victims.

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